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Yunnan HuaFang Industrial Hemp Co. Ltd.
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Issuing time:2018-08-02 10:27

Humans the world over have used the hemp plant in many forms for thousands of years, and modern processing technologies have given it nearly unlimited applications. To date, over 50,000 applications have been found, and each one of them has the potential to shrink our carbon footprint. Also, since this plant can be easily grown in our unpredictable Alberta climate, it could give our local economy a much-needed boost. There are so many positives to embracing this super plant as part of our everyday lives.

Here’s 10 ways this crop is used today (some of them may surprise you)!

10. Pet Food

Whether it’s your 3 pound rabbit or that 500 pound bear you probably shouldn’t have domesticated, all mammals alike need their Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs). is an excellent source for all your EFAs, and it is a natural way to improve your pet’s joint health, lower its risk of cancer, and improve their skin and coat. It can be used alongside any medications, and can reduce your pet’s anxiety levels!

9. Skin Care

Hemp seed oil’s EFA profile is very similar to our own human skin, making it a perfect moisturizer for any skin type (even sensitive skin). It conditions the skin naturally without clogging the pores, and the anti-inflammatory properties can reduce the appearance of redness and aging! It can be used to treat many skin conditions like dandruff, psoriasis, eczema, acne, and dermatitis. Try it in our popular line, or if you’re feeling crafty, you could try skin care products!

8. Batteries

Traditional batteries use toxic chemicals that are dangerous to humans, wild life and our water sources. Luckily, researchers have demonstrated that have the ability to conduct electricity as efficiently as . If you’re electrical engineering knowledge is rusty, think ultra-green and ultra-cheap batteries!

7. Wood Finish

Hemp oil can be used as a solvent-free wood finish. Traditional products are so toxic they require a well-ventilated space, whereas hemp oil is environmentally friendly, and smells like freshly crushed walnuts. It preserves the natural color of the wood, and it is safe for food preparation surfaces. Watch a quick video about it !

6. Textiles

Hemp has been used to make clothing for , in fact materials made from hemp were found in tombs dating back to 8,000 BC! It is one of the most durable natural fibers on the planet, and products made from it are long lasting, stretch resistant, mold resistant, antibacterial, light and breathable. It can be ethically produced right here in Canada, so we can sleep well knowing we are making positive consumer choices when we choose hemp. Yay, us!

5. Biodegradable Plastic

You can’t shake a stick on the internet without hitting a video of a sad turtle with too much plastic in its diet. Our addiction to plastic disposables is one of the biggest threats to our water and land. If only there were some kind of plant based plastic that is biodegradable, recyclable, durable, carbon neutral and versatile. Oh wait, there is! Hemp plastic and other bio-plastics are rising in popularity in North America. It is lighter, stronger, safer, less expensive and can be molded into any shape imaginable! The possibilities are limitless!

4. Hempcrete

(Hemp + Concrete) is an exciting new building material made from a mixture of and lime. This is concrete that literally acts like a living tree; breathing in Carbon CO2 and breathing out fresh, tasty Oxygen. It is also mold resistant, pest resistant, fire resistant and is an excellent insulator!

3. Bio-Fuel

As if this plant weren’t already amazing, it is also an environmentally friendly source of biofuel. Hemp biodiesel is a cost effective, environmentally safe and renewable fuel source. When used, it can extend the lifespan of the vehicle because it is more lubricating than petroleum diesel fuel. This application has massive potential for our economy and our environment!

2. Motor Vehicles

The world’s most eco-friendly car runs on, and is made of…you guessed it! Hemp! Vehicles made of hemp are 10 times stronger than steel, yet are ultra-light, making them impact resistant AND fuel efficient. Researchers believe that with the rise in environmental concerns, hemp fibers are likely to become a major component of cars around the world.

1. Nuclear Disaster Clean Up

For over a decade, industrial hemp has been planted at the site of the nuclear power plant disaster. Why? Hemp crop literally cleans and enriches the soil it is planted in by breaking down pollutants and stabilizing metal contaminants. The crop is then used to make biofuel so that none of this plant goes to waste. Hemp is now being sought to help clean up environmental disasters around the world, including Fukushima!

It’s plain to see that hemp should not be underestimated. The nearly endless applications of this super plant will mean exciting and positive things for our environment, our economy and our future. Discover the benefits of hemp today!

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